Ecommerce Business Best Practices

Survival Plan Checklist

Survival Plan Checklist

Since the launch of Mike Michalowicz’ book, Fix This Next, I have used the diagnostic tool in the book to help me analyze and continually work on my business. The tool is a great resource for fixing problems, but it can also help you prepare for them so the impact is less when new problems […]

An Itinerary for Permanent Profitability

When I grew up, we always stopped to eat at Lexington Barbecue when we went on a road trip. This restaurant started in 1962, the year before I was born. The founder, Wayne Monk, has prepared a barbeque for six sitting US presidents! It is still THE place to eat. A good friend of mine […]

The Road Map to Profit

Just do it. Swallow your pride, and use the GPS for directions! We all want an easy trip so we can enjoy the ride.  The best way to make sure that happens is to follow a proven path. You’ll be able to prepare for obstacles that might slow you down like accidents or slow-moving traffic, […]

On the Financial Success Road Again

Before heading down the road, it’s imperative that we make sure our vehicle is up for the trip. We look at our gas gauge, our tire pressure, and when our next maintenance service is scheduled. We often get much of this information from our dashboard. The same is true for your business. As you make […]

A Road Trip to Financial Success

The road to financial success may seem never-ending, but if you read the directions right, you can get to your destination in perfect time. This month, we’re taking you along on our Financial Road Trip to Success! We’re going to cover some essentials for the journey that will ensure you arrive excited and prepared for […]

Quarterly Action Planning

First Quarter is almost a memory. Are you set up to accomplish your goals for 2023? The adage goes “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”  Take a moment and give your goals some attention. You know as Q2 progresses you will get busy with summer fun with kids home from school. Q3 you will […]

Debt and Growth Meet in an Ecommerce Business

The typical argument I hear from my clients is that their business has to have debt to achieve growth. I understand where they’re coming from, but there are factors that need to be considered because not all debt (or growth) is created equal. You need to understand a few critical components of both debt and […]

Welcome to Ecommerce Recession-Proofing 101

The thought of recession looms over us all this year, but instead of sitting around worrying, why don’t we take action now? Let’s not wait to do the cleanup after the storm has wreaked havoc on our business. Instead, let’s reinforce the windows and stock up on what we need to help us weather the […]

A Great Progression is Coming

Sticking with the chaos that the last few years have brought, we have entered 2023 and the possibility of recession that it brings. In 2021, Mike Michalowicz referred to it as Progression at ProfitCon. His thoughts are that life is going to be what we decided to see it as. If you’re worried about recession […]

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