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Profitability: Educating Ecommerce Sellers

Educate, Educating, Education. These words are sure to evoke some response, especially if you’re doing school from home during the COVID lockdown. For me, these words bring back memories of my grandfather. He always said, “Get your education; no one can take that away from you.” I worked in a corporate job and went to […]

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Data Driven: A bookskeep Core Value

At bookskeep, one of our core values is being data driven. We know you need accurate data to run your business successfully. That’s why we care so much about our data. Here are a couple of data points and trends we monitor to ensure that we are delivering on our promises to you: 1) delivering […]

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Amazon Reserves and Profit First

I have recently had a few questions from ecommerce sellers about how to manage their profit allocations when Amazon withholds a reserve. This week’s blog will specifically address the implications to your Profit First allocations and how to manage them if a reserve has been withheld. I will also address how to use your Profit […]

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