
Who to Pay Payroll

Who to Pay for Payroll

As a company dedicated to offering our clients the best, we’re always evaluating new software and tools to ensure we are partnering with top performers. In today's fast-paced business world, choosing the right payroll service provider is crucial. With various options available, it's essential we understand the strengths and weaknesses of each to make an [...]

Pay Yourself for Your Labor of Love

As we bid farewell to summer this upcoming Labor Day weekend and watch the kids head back to school, we also gear up for cooler days and the exciting Q4 ahead. But amidst all this hustle and bustle, have you taken a moment to celebrate the labor of your most crucial team member? Yep, I'm [...]
Sales Tax Nexus

Understanding Economic Nexus & Exposure

Matthew Grattan heads up partnerships and sales for Zamp. He’s worked in the sales tax industry for over 12 years. Matthew currently resides on Bainbridge Island, WA with his wife, 3 kids and dog, Ruthie.   It’s been over 5 years since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of South Dakota in their case against [...]
Steps for Prosperity

Smart Steps for Year-End Prosperity

Now that we’re halfway through August, it’s time for mid-year client check-ins. This is just something I like to do to help clients evaluate their business's financial health. It’s a great way to review the first half of the year and wrap up the rest of it. Performing this check-up creates a solid foundation for [...]

Sales and Profit: The Core Connection

Sales are often considered the backbone of any business, generating cash and supporting profit. However, merely increasing sales may not always lead to higher profits. To build true stability, businesses must ensure that sales support profitability. The sales process involves five core steps: creating a connection with buyers, securing payment agreements, delivering the product, collecting [...]
Outsourcing Ecommerce bookkeepers

Leveraging the Power of Outsourced Ecommerce Bookkeeping

Ecommerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate, enabling entrepreneurs to reach global markets and cater to an ever-expanding customer base. As an ecommerce business owner, you understand the importance of efficiency and accuracy in every aspect of your operations. One crucial aspect that should never be overlooked is bookkeeping. Accurate financial records form the backbone [...]
Financial Literacy

Navigate Quarter Three Ecommerce Accounting Like a Pro

As an advocate for financial literacy and someone who works specifically with ecommerce businesses, I firmly believe in the power of Profit First to transform the way you run and look at your business. With the Profit First approach, you can ensure your ecommerce business not only thrives but maximizes profitability so you can take [...]
Ecommerce Cash Reserve

Building an Ecommerce Cash Reserve Cushion

2023 is more than halfway over now, which means it won’t be long until were back to the busy selling season. While July may seem too early to even think about Q4 and busy holiday sales, the start of Q3 is the time to make your plan for an ecommerce reserve cushion. This means the [...]
Survival Plan Checklist

Survival Plan Checklist

Since the launch of Mike Michalowicz’ book, Fix This Next, I have used the diagnostic tool in the book to help me analyze and continually work on my business. The tool is a great resource for fixing problems, but it can also help you prepare for them so the impact is less when new problems […]

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