Tag Archives: ecommerce business

New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs

What are you hoping to achieve next year as an entrepreneur? Do you want more profit, more time with family, more sales, to learn a new skill or software tool? What is one thing you can do to make that change stick? Keep reading to get to know more about New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs. […]

Preparing for Year-end One Task at a Time

Last week, I began a 4-part blog series on preparing for the year-end and tax time. In this series, I’m outlining tips on how to prepare for year-end and tax time without the stress that typically plagues ecommerce business owners this time of year. How did you do with your tasks for Week 1? Let’s [...]
Financial Statements

Your Financial Statements Wear Many Hats

“Know your numbers” is a common phrase when we advise our clients. No one has ever asked me which numbers and why? But I think these are good questions, so I’m going to give you a rundown on the important numbers. Let’s start by getting clear about the purposes your financial statements serve. Just like […]

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