What You Should Know About Amazon Reviews in 2020
Did you know that a single product review on Amazon can increase sales by up to 3.5 times the current level? Reviews impact product discoverability, search rankings, buyer trust, and more.
Did you know that a single product review on Amazon can increase sales by up to 3.5 times the current level? Reviews impact product discoverability, search rankings, buyer trust, and more.
In our last blog, we discussed the typical behaviors of business owners when facing challenges. To get the quickest relief, we often will take any step, even if it’s not the right step. While this action does move us off point A, it may not move us closer to our overall business goals. This is […]
Back several weeks ago, before every email we received was related to the CARES ACT or COVID-19, I asked followers of my blog what their biggest challenges were in ecommerce bookkeeping. Here is what I learned–36% were concerned with cash flow, before all the recession worries; 21% had to do with marketing and advertising; 15% […]
The COVID-19 situation has impacted everyone in one way or another. Many of us are considering what to do immediately and then next after that. In other words, what’s the plan? The short answer is get good control of your cash. We’ve created a comprehensive guide as a checklist. You can access it here. Here […]
I’m looking forward to Mike Michalowicz’ new book coming out in late April entitled, Fix This Next. You may remember Mike is the author of Profit First, and he believes this book will be more impactful than Profit First. I’ve been using the diagnostic tool described in the book for the past several months […]
We are in the midst of tax season, which is always a little stressful, but having Profit First implemented in your business can ease some of that tax-time stress. Profit First is a cash management methodology that sets up any business for success. It teaches ecommerce sellers how stay afloat in troubled waters and come […]
When Kevin, owner of Northwoods Humidors, realized he was also struggling to understand his numbers and what to do with them, he started looking for someone to help. That’s when Kevin found bookskeep, and he’s had a clear understanding of his books ever since!
Quite often I’m asked to help our clients implement the Profit First method for their ecommerce business. As we search further into the assessment, we come to find what our clients often require help with is planning their daily and weekly cash flow.
Resist Temptation: Don’t Borrow from Accounts to Cover Inventory The other day, an ecommerce seller reached out to me with a question about the implementation of the Profit First method they learned from my book. They wanted to know my thoughts on borrowing funds from their Sales Tax or Profit Account to purchase inventory in […]
How many payouts should you be saving to buy your next round of inventory? When is your next payment to your wholesale supplier? That credit card payment is due soon, isn’t it? If you are having trouble finding the answers to these questions, and if you find yourself waking up nightly, wondering whether you […]