Tag Archives: ecommerce business

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Chart of Accounts for Ecommerce Sellers

In a foreign country where you don’t speak the local language, simple tasks like ordering coffee or asking for directions become challenging. To ease the process and ensure effective communication, you would need a bilingual translator who can bridge the language gap between you and the locals.

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6 Things to Know Before Issuing 1099s

As the year comes to a close, in addition to the busy selling season, it’s time to ensure you are ready for January and the IRS deadlines for 1099’s.  The IRS requires 1099s to be issued to vendors and filed with the IRS by January 31st.  There is good news, however, if you have paid […]

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bookskeep Value Series: The Value of Gratitude

We have started a value series here at bookskeep to establish our core values that describe who we are, how we conduct ourselves and how we serve our clients. These values include: Learning, Integrity, Communication, Customer Service and Quality. You can find our value on learning here. These core values help our business grow and develop […]

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