Tag Archives: ecommerce business

Your Ecommerce Q4 To-Do List

Q4 is of course our most busy and stressful time of year as ecommerce business owners. However, over the years I’ve picked up on a few tricks to help divide the work and ease the stress over the next few weeks. Let’s talk about them. Tidy Up One of the first things to do is […]

Get Yourself Off the Inventory Hamster Wheel

I know I’ve said it before, but I’m going to say it again. I talk to tons of ecommerce entrepreneurs a year and inventory is always one of the top questions. That’s because inventory for ecommerce can be a little trickier than it is for brick-and-mortar stores. So, let’s go over how to avoid getting […]

Envision a Future for Your Ecommerce Business

I’m attending a friend’s wedding this week, and it has me reflecting on ceremonies and all the opportunities that lay in the future of the bride and groom. I started thinking on everything that awaits them and the intentions that are shared during wedding vows. It hit me that most of our important life events […]

Wade Into Profitable Waters

I recently had the opportunity to present Profit First to a group of business owners in Philadelphia. After the talk, several told me they were re-energized about trying to get Profit First working in their business. Unfortunately, their stories were ones of failed attempts. I have heard this repeatedly over the years from clients that […]

Take Time to Manage Time

A couple weekends ago, I took advantage of a rainy Sunday to watch The Winning the Week Method Webinar by Demir Bentley. He talked about time management and productivity, something I focus on a lot in my life to help me stay focused on my work and my business. The webinar was a lot of […]

Love + Work Makes a Better Business

I recently reread a book that held a special place in my heart during the spring, called Love + Work by Marcus Buckingham. I remember reading it and being so happy that the concepts in it confirmed the principles I chose to run bookskeep based on. We’re not the typical bookkeeping firm. We’re centered around […]

Going Beyond the Books

On the 6th of this month, my friend Julia Nardelli Gross and I kicked off the very first bookskeep Beyond the Books meeting. This is something I created for our women clientele, to give them an opportunity to come together and discuss struggles and successes. I wanted to create a support network of sorts. As […]

Business analysis and reports

Introducing SmartSell – How Does It Work?

In the second blog of our SmartSell Program series, we’re explaining the ins and outs of the program and what it can do for you. Through a 4-step implementation process and new reports designed specifically to support the sale, SmartSell will provide the financial data you need to keep your business valuation accurate so you […]

Quick check up for quarter 4

It’s Time for a Quick Q4 Check-Up!

It’s almost Go Time for ecommerce businesses. Q3 is turning the corner into Q4, which means holiday sales and end-of-year crunch time is fast approaching. Before you put your head down and try to make it through, let’s do a quick check up on you and your business. How is your gross margin?  Are you […]

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