Tag Archives: inventory

Sales and Profit: The Core Connection

Sales are often considered the backbone of any business, generating cash and supporting profit. However, merely increasing sales may not always lead to higher profits. To build true stability, businesses must ensure that sales support profitability. The sales process involves five core steps: creating a connection with buyers, securing payment agreements, delivering the product, collecting [...]
Financial Literacy

Navigate Quarter Three Ecommerce Accounting Like a Pro

As an advocate for financial literacy and someone who works specifically with ecommerce businesses, I firmly believe in the power of Profit First to transform the way you run and look at your business. With the Profit First approach, you can ensure your ecommerce business not only thrives but maximizes profitability so you can take [...]

Learn the Love Language of Inventory

As I sit here in the middle of February looking back, it’s obvious that we, of course, spent most of January completing financial statements for our clients. Year-end isn’t much different for us than month-end because we expect to deliver accuracy year-round. However, this time it’s crucial that we have inventory right because of tax […]

Get Yourself Off the Inventory Hamster Wheel

I know I’ve said it before, but I’m going to say it again. I talk to tons of ecommerce entrepreneurs a year and inventory is always one of the top questions. That’s because inventory for ecommerce can be a little trickier than it is for brick-and-mortar stores. So, let’s go over how to avoid getting […]

Wade Into Profitable Waters

I recently had the opportunity to present Profit First to a group of business owners in Philadelphia. After the talk, several told me they were re-energized about trying to get Profit First working in their business. Unfortunately, their stories were ones of failed attempts. I have heard this repeatedly over the years from clients that […]

Quick check up for quarter 4

It’s Time for a Quick Q4 Check-Up!

It’s almost Go Time for ecommerce businesses. Q3 is turning the corner into Q4, which means holiday sales and end-of-year crunch time is fast approaching. Before you put your head down and try to make it through, let’s do a quick check up on you and your business. How is your gross margin?  Are you […]

Selling the Business – Preparation & Exploration

Now that you’ve built up a strong business that is successfully growing, you’re moving into the final stage of the business lifecycle: selling. No matter if you’re selling because the market is right or you’re just ready to pass the torch, you need to be prepared to sell and should thoroughly explore the options so […]

Get the Wheels Moving – People, Process & Inventory

Now that we’ve talked about better understanding your numbers and managing your cash, we can talk more about your processes and products. This week, we’ll dive farther into the groundwork that needs to be done with people, processes, and inventory. People & Process With so many software and channel options available to you today, it’s […]

Initial Business Setup – Tools, Systems, and Teams

Our second blog in the SmartCFO series continues to discuss some of the basics of business set up. This week, that includes decisions about tools, accounting systems, and team development. From this list you should have a better understanding about what to look for in your accounting software, inventory systems, and other internal tools to […]

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