Inventory Costs—What’s COGS, What’s Not?
Inventory is essential for every ecommerce business, serving as its lifeblood. From market research to product development, sourcing, manufacturing, and warehousing, each step incurs costs that need proper accounting. Understanding these inventory-related expenses is vital for your business’s long-term success. Let’s explore and organize the typical costs to ensure accurate accounting. Freight and Shipping – […]
How InventoryLab Can Help Your Amazon Business Right Now
Inventory Lab has been a great partner with bookskeep since 2016. In fact, we just passed our 5-year anniversary mark! They have generously allowed me to write for their newsletter and blog to ensure their customers are “in the know” about financial matters. They have hosted me several times on webinars. We have several clients […]
Top 4 Profit First Bank Accounts and Why You Need Them
When implementing the Profit First methodology in your business, one of the first things you learn is the importance of setting up different bank accounts for different purposes. In Profit First for ecommerce, that first account should be for inventory activity. Once you have separated your inventory banking activity from your operating expenses, you’re ready […]
Top 9 Tips for Selling your Ecommerce Business and Livin’ the Dream!
Since I first began working with ecommerce clients, and most especially this past year, I have had numerous discussions with ecommerce sellers who have been in some stage of selling their business. Some have just begun to think about it. Others are knee-deep in the process, and many have been on the downhill side, tying […]
Amazon FBA Mastermind Module 1: The World Of Ecommerce
Amazon FBA Mastermind Module 1 began on January 20 with Dr. Ellen Britt welcoming the new students and setting the stage for the next 4 modules. Christine Cobb, our instructor, gave us an overview of the world of ecommerce and specifically how Amazon FBA fits into that world. Many of the barriers to entry for bricks-and-mortar […]
Understanding the Ecommerce Inventory Process
Inventory is the life-blood of ecommerce sellers. You must have it on hand and be able to replenish it when needed in order to keep your business running. Tracking inventory, on the other hand, can be quite the tricky deal. To do this properly, it’s important to understand how to record inventory on your books, an area that many ecommerce sellers struggle with.
How To Increase Your Amazon Profits
I recently joined forces with the folks at GETIDA to present back-to-back webinars on a topic I know interests all ecommerce business owners–Profits! As you read today’s blog, offered by Yoni Mazor of GETIDA, you’ll understand what I mean. This is exciting and I can’t wait to share more on Amazon Profits! How To Increase […]
5 Key Levers to Drive Profits—Levers 3, 4 and 5
This is the fourth and final installment of the 4-part blog series on profitability I recently did for, To wrap up our series, in this blog we take a look at the final three levers that are key to driving profits in your ecommerce business. If you missed the first three blogs, check them […]
5 Key Levers to Drive Profits—Identifying 1 and 2
In the third installment of the 4-part blog series on profitability I recently did for, I talk about the 5 key levers to driving profits for your business. Read on to learn about the first two identifiers. If you missed the first two blogs, check them out here!