New to Ecommerce? Get Started on the Right Path Now and Avoid Headaches Later!
The ecommerce business model continues to soar with an almost constant influx of new sellers on Amazon and other online platforms. We see it daily here at bookskeep, both with existing clients and those seeking our help in getting their fledgling businesses started on the right path from the beginning. One of the first pieces [...]—An Online Solution for Ecommerce Banking Stacks
Finding banking services that fit the needs of ecommerce sellers is sometimes challenging, especially for those implementing the Profit First system. We hear this often at bookskeep, and our clients are always inquiring about options and services that are available to them. In addition, the banking world is changing, and the customer experience is front […]
Profit First and Parkinson’s Law—The Way to Conquer the Q4 Season
To ensure accurate and up-to-date financials, commit to regularly monitoring your numbers and ensuring proper allocation of funds and expenses. Implementing effective systems can streamline this task, requiring minimal time investment. However, if you approach it haphazardly each month, you risk relinquishing control over your time and money to Parkinson’s Law. You’ve heard me talk […]
The Profit Assessment—How Healthy is Your Ecommerce Business?
In previous blogs about the Profit First methodology, I’ve talked about setting up your bank accounts for Profit, Owner’s Comp, and Taxes. But how do you know how much to put into these accounts? There’s a formula for that, and taking the Instant Profit Assessment below will help you determine those allocations. Let’s Get Real […]
Profit First and Q4: Now’s the Time to Prepare!
A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of being a guest on InventoryLab’s OpenLab webinar series. It’s always nice to chat with Jeff Campbell and his team about all things Profit First- and inventory-related. There’s a lot to discuss there, and we make good use of our time together! In this webinar, we [...]Profit First and Inventory Lab – Making Cash Work for You!
Good news! Today we're going to discuss how to use Inventory Lab to assist in managing your Profit First Cash Flow system. I'm excited to share this with you because it represents a breakthrough in my thinking that occurred while I was on my 4-week vacation recently. Earlier this year, Jeff Campbell from Inventory Lab [...]How Profit First Changed The Way We Think
In October 2014, I met Mike Michalowicz at QB Connect in San Jose, CA. I sat in a seminar room listening to a boring presentation, hearing the laughter from the room next door. I decided to go to the “fun” room where Mike was presenting and it has been “FUN” ever since. That day Mike […]
Profit First Tax Strategies for Ecommerce Sellers
Here we are, just a week away from April 15th. Tax Day. Hopefully by now, you have 2020 wrapped up or at least ready to file. So, what happens next? Do you close the book and not worry about taxes again until next year, hoping it all just works out? You could, but I don’t recommend it! Instead, put a plan in place that will require a minimum amount of attention throughout the year. Profit First prepares you for taxes without the stress. Now, that’s a great plan! Here’s how it works.
eCommerceFuel Podcast: Profit First: How To Keep More of What You Make
As a guest on this eCommerceFuel podcast with Andrew Youderian, I discuss the Profit First methodology and how it can help you do just that! We talk about implementing Profit First into your business, allocating funds, and much more!